From Look Younger Tips
Sleep aids – Alteril and healthy living – Find out how you can enjoy most out of life when you eat and sleep well. A perfect idea for staying young and younger looking!
If you are not keen on sleep aids but having difficulty with sleeping you might want to read this article. You’re not looking for immortality. But you want to make the most of this life with healthy living habits that will have you looking and feeling well. This is a good thing! Alteril believes that sleep is an important piece in the grand scheme of human life. This article outlines a framework for healthy living and the steps you can take to make your time on this Earth both long and happy. You might also like natural sleeping pills…
Start your commitment to healthy living by getting out and being social. In addition to providing companionship and a sense of belonging, an active social life is proven to extend life. Numerous studies show that connecting with people keeps the brain active, whether it’s through volunteering, church activities or built-in camaraderie with your co-workers. It’s not a coincidence that the people who live longest have strong social connections.
You can further increase your longevity (and mood) by getting some sun. Experts recommend at least 10-15 minutes of sunlight, three times a week. Sunlight offers vitamin D, which strengthens bones, fights cancer and elevates feelings of well-being. A recent study illustrates this point with an interesting observation, the four places around the globe with greatest longevity and health levels were all in sunny climates.
Having said this, protect your skin in hot climates! For all the benefits the sun offers to healthy living, sun damage to the skin is a leading cause of wrinkles and aging, and can lead to skin cancer. You can minimize these risks by wearing a sun screen of at least SPF 15. Try to limit your exposure to the sun when it’s hottest, usually between 10AM and 3PM. Wear a hat with a brim, and cover up with light clothing when it’s hot.
And then, get moving! Exercising at least 30 minutes a day provides many health benefits, including weight control, strengthened bones, reduced risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease and premature death. Exercise also keeps you looking and feeling in top form and is an effective way to manage stress. Studies suggest that 60% of Americans don’t get enough exercise.
You can increase the benefits of healthy living further by eating a healthy diet. Fruits and vegetables are immensely beneficial to the mind and body, offering minerals, vitamins and antioxidants that, among other things, boost immune function, improve memory, raise general health and reduce the effects of aging. Aim for at least nine servings of fruits and vegetables each day. And if you really want to benefit from the power of these health boosters, diversify by eating fruits and vegetables of all colors of the rainbow.
There’s an old Japanese proverb that says Eating fish will make you smart. They’re on to something here. Oily fish, like sardines, tuna, herring, trout and salmon are all high in omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA. There is emerging evidence linking omega-3 to boosted cognitive function. Omega-3 is proven to reduce risk of heart disease, lower blood pressure and elevate mood. Wild salmon is particularly high in omega-3 and is one of the healthiest foods on the planet.
Eat plenty of dairy and low-fat milk. The calcium in dairy helps maintain healthy bones and teeth and can prevent high blood pressure, kidney stones, heart disease and colon cancer. There is further evidence suggesting that, when incorporated with a weight-loss meal plan, low-fat and fat-free milk encourages body fat loss while maintaining lean muscle mass.
You’ve also heard it said to avoid tobacco and alcohol. Add sugar to this list. Some nutritional experts even theorize that the introduction of sugar to the western diet has done more damage to society than the effects of drugs, tobacco and alcohol combined. Sugar is prevalent in today’s fast-paced, consumer-driven lifestyle, with the average American consuming 100 pounds of refined sugar per year. That’s the equivalent of three and a half cans of Coke every day. Considering that sugar suppresses the immune system, leads to weight gain, obesity and is a leading contributor to diabetes and numerous ailments, that’s not a good thing.
Do yourself a favor. Limit sugar in your diet!
Finally, get enough rest that you can properly function. The National Sleep Foundation reports that two-thirds of American adults suffer from sleeping problems on a weekly basis. Lack of sleep can lead to psychiatric and health problems, decreased memory, logic and learning to say nothing about how sluggish it makes you feel throughout the day! Drowsy drivers cause more than 100,000 car accidents each year, 1500 deaths and tens of thousands of injuries.
This could be drastically reduced with eight to ten hours of uninterrupted sleep for every adult each night. This can be difficult at times. Some people are prone to insomnia and bouts of sleeplessness. Others find it hard to sleep with work, relationship and money issues hard to shut out at night. Alteril believes that every person has a right to sleep well every night and recognizes this can be difficult. That’s why we designed Alteril, an all-natural sleep aid of the most effective supplements to encourage long, deep and refreshing sleep. That’s without the headache of sleeping pills and the baggage they come with. Alteril is perfectly formulated to get you through those rough patches in life and give you rest when nothing else will. Read natural sleep aid to learn more!
And with the tools for healthy living outlined in this article and Alteril for those nights when needed, you’re well on your way to managing factors within your control, sleeping better and living a long, happy and healthy life. Be well.
There are several more articles on sleep or natural sleep aids for adults, you will need to browse around to enjoy more articles like this.
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